Thursday, 24-July Scheduled Downtime Incoming downtime for those of you who play on the US servers! Find out the details of the downtime so you can be prepared! Downtime scheduled - Downtime scheduled 05/08/2008 - 7:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time This is a notification that US worlds will be updated at 7:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time on 05/08/2008. The estimated downtime will be 1 hour. - SOE Operations team [Scheduled Downtime - full article]Rossee (Halfling Reporter) @ 12:19 Item NPC and Quest Updates for today. New & Updated Items Blackened Armguard, Blackened Bracelet, Blackened Cuff, Blackened Wristband, Advanced Outfitter Volume 13, Advanced Craftsman Volume 13, Bleeding Ritual (Adept I), Complacent (Adept I), Enigma of the Woodworker Volume 2, Advanced Scholar Volume 13, Phantasmal Spirits (Adept I), Hunter's Instinct (Adept I), Human Love Note, Hunker (Adept I), New & Updated NPCS A Sableflame Adherent, Alerica the Flamecaller, An Adolescent Snarler, New & Updated Quests Stop the Problem at the Source, Another Problem, |